Players are expected to attend all practices.
Coaches will document your practice attendance and reason for absences.
Players will be allowed 2 unexcused absences and 3 excused absences without repercussion. If a player exceeds this, they will sit out one set per practice missed over the allowable at their next tournament.
If attendance becomes and issue, each coach, at their discretion may implement additional “conditioning activities” in addition to bench time.
Examples of excused absence; sickness, family emergency and death in the immediate family, ETC.
If a player is ill and home from school, or there is a genuine family emergency, player will be excused from practice at their Coaches discretion.
If a player is sick, injured, etc, for 2 consecutive practices, they need to bring a doctors excuse to the next practice.
RAVC will do their best to accommodate multi-sport athletes. Players are asked to make every attempt to come to practice when their school activity is over. If this is clearly communicated to the coach and partial practice is missed, no absence will be recorded.
It is the family’s responsibility to hold their child accountable and plan events around practice and tournaments. A team can only be successful with committed players and parents!
Players must be on time for practice. “on time” means on the court, ready to begin practice. If a player is running late, they must inform their coach as early as possible.